babbling brook

just random thoughts on knitting, reading, life & other things I like

Wednesday, August 13, 2003

The Knit Bitch

TNB is a go! I just got my confirmation in the mail. Now I just have to printout my business cards...and make the damn things. But I even have a catch phrase

The Knit Bitch Even cold hearted bitches need to stay warm

Hee! Can't wait. Going to put up a website too. I have one semi-designed.

In much pain since pilates on Monday but I'm going to work out tommorrow - and do yoga. Yay! My poor stomach muscles - ouch. Must remember to go see K. tommorrow to remind her.

Had the job interview this week. Eh. Doubt I got it. Luckily D & I are such good friends that it won't matter if one of us gets it. I could really use the money though. Went out with D & R last night and had a good time. He's a good person though he makes me a little uncomfortable at times. I'm very envious of their relationship, I wonder if I'll ever have it. Chickened out on the date with the NPB, though did talk to him on the phone. As with other boys I see, he talks a lot and seems to barely listen to me. Argh


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