babbling brook

just random thoughts on knitting, reading, life & other things I like

Monday, December 12, 2005

Come alive

I typed up the previous post because a friend wanted me to show her how to make a hat for her boy. Since I had made the lovely hat for the BiL, I decided I wanted use my pattern. We're actually going to have a knitting gathering tomorrow! I've never done the group knit thing - I'm too shy - and I'm the one planning it, so I'm nervous that no one will show or that I'm not the right teacher for it! But it should be fun. I'm going to work on a BiL hat for myself since I'm begining to hate all my hats. No, not really. Just bored of them.

And I'm almost through with the Cardi! Well...okay, I'm almost done with the body, I'll just have the sleeves to do. I hope I can get it done this week so I can FINALLY finish my leftover Christmas gift - my BiL's tarts & my grandma's slippers. Both are really quick knits, so I'm not worried. Or I won't until early next week.

Then it's onto Tubey...


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