babbling brook

just random thoughts on knitting, reading, life & other things I like

Monday, December 19, 2005

Snow makes people crazy


Actually, maybe it's the ice.

We had a freak snowstorm yesterday here in PDX, which is unusual, especially before Christmas. (well that's what all the newscasters said, I had the news on all evening) Anyway, it was really pretty & nice and everyone last night were in jolly moods. I went to my nice snug apartment ( I actually even turned on the heat!) & watched the snow & news & worked on a nice new hat for myself.

Unfortuantly, PDX is not snow country. It is rain which means all the pretty snow turned to ice this morning. I had to be in at 6am (joy!) & it was a pain to get to work but not a big deal since it's a quick Max ride. But then the crazy people came in. I was threatened ("I got friends & you better watch yourself, bitch") & called a bunch of names by one guy who was obviously not well in the head. I was attempting to kick him out for being such an ass and it took 5 of us to get him to leave. Cops were called but he finally left. 10 minutes later some nutty woman was in the cafe and freaking out my baristas She had some major issues with drugs so I kicked her out. Then 5 minutes later I had to kick another guy out because he was undressing in my cafe. He called me a bunch of names in front of some poor woman & her baby who were innocently looking at a book & when he was out he made rude gestures through the window. Lovely way to start my Monday, this was all before 9am. I HATE kicking people out of my cafe, I really do but I do have to run a business. It just makes me feel awful.

In happier news, I finished the Cardi ! I love it so much! I've been wearing it since Friday, when I finally finished it. I swear, I knitted so much to finish it on Thursday & Friday, I don't think I did anything else (and my apartment shows, it's so trashed. You can kind of see a little of it in the picture) I took this picture right before I went to a party on Friday & I got many compliments. Yah! It's been perfect for work because the temp fluctuates so much & it's lightweight. I used Cotton Fleece Twilight & used size #8s because I didn't have any #7s long enough. I subtracted a few stitches & it fits perfect. I made the sleeves a little bit longer for my freakishly long arms & I wish I had actually made them a little longer because they still only go to right above my wrist (I like "fingertip" length) But no matter. Thanks so much to Cosmicpluto Knits! for the beautiful pattern!

Now it's time for Tubey! I'm going to go to Lint tomorrow to get a few balls of the black. I can ill afford to do it but I'm so excited for it! It seems to be a popular pattern in blogworld, it seems like all the blogs I read are drooling over it.


  • At 12:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Awesome cardi! Looks good on, too... I might need to make me one of those.

  • At 8:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Love it! I am secretly making mine now, when I should be finishing Chrismtas gifts. I hope mine isn't too small, that is a concern. But I love the pattern!


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